Class Dojo
Class Dojo is a digital behavior management system that documents the positive behaviors in our classroom and school. Each child's avatar is displayed on our smart board. Throughout the day, each time I (or staff member) spots your child exhibiting a good behavior, they will earn a point and the computer will "ding" alerting them that a behavior was noticed. If I notice your child exhibiting a negative behavior it will be noted in their daily summary. Negative behaviors will not deduct total points earned by positive behaviors. It will serve as a conversation-starter about what behavior they need to work on. Once a student earns an agreed upon number of points they earn a reward. These can be anything from lunch in the classroom with a fried to visiting the Eagles Nest on Wednesdays to get a prize. The kids will have the opportunity to earn points in specials classes, in the hallways by other staff members, and at lunchtime with Ms. Owen, our teacher assistant.
You will get to log on to Class Dojo using any smart phone, tablet, or computer and see all the wonderful things your child did at school each day as well as things he or she might need to work on. Look for the invitation to join Class Dojo in your child's Open House folder. More information will be sent home regarding Class Dojo after we get started with the beginning of the year.
Class Dojo is a digital behavior management system that documents the positive behaviors in our classroom and school. Each child's avatar is displayed on our smart board. Throughout the day, each time I (or staff member) spots your child exhibiting a good behavior, they will earn a point and the computer will "ding" alerting them that a behavior was noticed. If I notice your child exhibiting a negative behavior it will be noted in their daily summary. Negative behaviors will not deduct total points earned by positive behaviors. It will serve as a conversation-starter about what behavior they need to work on. Once a student earns an agreed upon number of points they earn a reward. These can be anything from lunch in the classroom with a fried to visiting the Eagles Nest on Wednesdays to get a prize. The kids will have the opportunity to earn points in specials classes, in the hallways by other staff members, and at lunchtime with Ms. Owen, our teacher assistant.
You will get to log on to Class Dojo using any smart phone, tablet, or computer and see all the wonderful things your child did at school each day as well as things he or she might need to work on. Look for the invitation to join Class Dojo in your child's Open House folder. More information will be sent home regarding Class Dojo after we get started with the beginning of the year.
Durant Road Elementary is a Positive Behavior Support School. The staff uses "SOAR" as a foundation for defining expectations. Durant implements the Positive Behavior System in order to encourage students to exhibit appropriate behavior in all areas of school. Classes are awarded feathers by staff members when the defined behaviors are shown by the entire class. Our class will have the opportunity to earn rewards (i.e. crazy hair day, pajama day, extra recess) when we reach numbered levels of class feathers for our eagle. The number of feathers we receive will be displayed on our eagle in our classroom. Class feathers can be earned in specials and during lunchtime as well.
Own your learning
Act responsibly
Durant Road Elementary is a Positive Behavior Support School. The staff uses "SOAR" as a foundation for defining expectations. Durant implements the Positive Behavior System in order to encourage students to exhibit appropriate behavior in all areas of school. Classes are awarded feathers by staff members when the defined behaviors are shown by the entire class. Our class will have the opportunity to earn rewards (i.e. crazy hair day, pajama day, extra recess) when we reach numbered levels of class feathers for our eagle. The number of feathers we receive will be displayed on our eagle in our classroom. Class feathers can be earned in specials and during lunchtime as well.
Own your learning
Act responsibly